We use the following tools to support a robust and secure devops environment.
- Jira for project and task management
- Bitbucket as source code management system and for code reviews.
- Jenkins with pipelines as a Continuous Integration and Deployment tool to build, test and release our applications on the QA, UAT, STAGE, PRODUCTION environments in a consistent and controlled manner.
- Integration testing based on tools and frameworks such as siesta, Selenium and DbUnit during the nightly build processes.
- JaCoCo to determine the coverage of Java code by the unit tests and integration tests while running them as part of the nightly build processes.
- SonarQube to constantly measure and improve the quality of our code. We are using SonalLint plugin for real-time feedback on code quality, including OWASP rules. We are preventing code from being merged if it does not meet the quality criteria set.
- Postman for REST-API testing, both manual and automated.
- Camunda Community and Camunda designer as tools for designing and deploying business processes.
- PowerBI for BI reports, SSIS and Knime Platform to perform ETL on big data.
- Minio (on-prem object storage solution similar to Amazon S3) to store encrypted files.